

Modal verb

Modal verb (English Grammar)


1) You ____ pay attention in the class.

2) We ______ afford a new car this year.

3) Amal ______ drink milk everyday. She is very thin.

4) Students __________ study their lessons and do their homework on time.

5) You __________ eat some chocolate if you want to enjoy your tea.

6) They __________ take their umbrellas with them. It is raining outside.

7) _____ I talk to the manager?

8) How ______ she do that to us!

9) We _____ always respect our elders.

10) _____ we save money for the party?

11) The audience ______ settle before the doors are closed.

12) You _____ visit them, just make a phone call.

13) There ____ be a famous shop here.

14) You __________ work such long hours or you will be ill.

15) You really __________ waste your money like that. It worries your parents.

16) We ______ visit our grandparents more often.

17) There has been a landslide. You ______ be careful while driving there.

18) I _____ have won the tournament.

19) You _____ speak in the library.

20) It's time we ____ leave.

যদি তোমাদের এগুলো ভালো লাগে তাহলে কোমান্ড কর আর শেয়ার কর। তাহলে আমি আরও লিখব তোমাদের জন্য ।

modal-auxiliaries part-2
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